Grease Trap Management - Green Tech Kitchens

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Grease Trap Management

  • We Offer the only proactive greasetrap in the world to deal with emulsified FOGs. Automatically separates grease from effluent to achieve <100 ppm FOG Discharge. GreaseShield removes entrained solids to reduce BOD, COD and SS loadings.
  • Eliminates frequent pumping costs, harvesting a source of renewable energy. Protects the environment by protecting the drainage and watercourse systems.
  • Self-empting and self-cleaning. Reduce loading on waste water treatment plants and pumping stations.
  • No need for staff to access the internal of the GreaseShield is required. User Friendly! Odour Free!
  • No need to purchase enzymes or biological agents! No heating elements. Low operating costs.
  • Reduce CO emissions and avoid loss of a renewable energy source caused by pumping out greasetraps.
  • Award Winning Modular Technology; Small, compact and easily installed in any Deli or Kitchen!
  • Eco friendly, sustainable design - 99% recyclable!
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